In this Deep Listening workshop, Open City Night School participants are invited to experience Pauline Oliveros’ Deep Listening® embodied practice. Deep Listening seeks to expand our awareness of sound and how it travels through time and space, creating a dynamic of interaction, attention, vibration and resonance among all of us.
Through energy exercises, sonic meditations, journaling on listening, and the performance of Deep Listening Pieces, participants will experience attentional dynamics of their body movement in the surrounding space and the silences, voices and other soundings that emerge. In turn, they will be prompted to create listening invitations that expand inner and collective listenings.
In this Deep Listening workshop, Open City Night School participants are invited to experience Pauline Oliveros’ Deep Listening® embodied practice. Deep Listening seeks to expand our awareness of sound and how it travels through time and space, creating a dynamic of interaction, attention, vibration and resonance among all of us. Through energy exercises, sonic meditations, journaling on listening, and the performance of Deep Listening Pieces, participants will experience attentional dynamics of their body movement in the surrounding space and the silences, voices and other soundings that emerge. In turn, they will be prompted to create listening invitations that expand inner and collective listenings.